Spies can hear you by watching your light bulb – Intego Mac Podcast Episode 140
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Kirk McElhearn
On this episode of the Intego Mac Podcast… Intego has discovered new malware that propagates through poisoned Google search results. Zoom does a couple more u-turns. An App Store controversy is causing people to question Apple’s policies. And spies can eavesdrop by watching the variations in light bulbs.
- Serious Cryptography – A Practical Introduction to Modern Encryption by Jean-Philippe Aumasson
- Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms and Source Code in C by Bruce Schneier
- Cryptography: A Very Short Introduction, by Fred Piper and Sean Murphy
- ROT13
- Zoom does 180 on encryption plans, will bring it to all users including free accounts in July
- Improving Our Policies as We Continue to Enable Global Collaboration
- Spies Can Eavesdrop by Watching a Light Bulb’s Vibrations
- Basecamp’s New App, Hey, Flagged In App Store Limbo For Not Using In-app Purchase
- The Pros and Cons of Apple’s iOS App Store
- New Mac malware reveals Google searches can be unsafe
- VirusTotal
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