Security News

Month in review: Apple security in March 2018

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Month in Review: Apple Security in March 2018

March was a fairly humbling month for Apple security. An app that employed questionable cryptocurrency mining slipped past Apple’s review process and made its way into the Mac App Store, the Mac was “pwned” again at this year’s Pwn2Own contest, and another major security goof related to APFS passwords was discovered in macOS High Sierra. Meanwhile, a QR code vulnerability in iOS remains un-patched.

Read on for more details.

Unwanted Cryptomining in Mac App Store

In mid-March, an App Store app was caught doing something controversial: mining cryptocurrency on behalf of the app’s developer.

Evidently, several users of Qbix’s Calendar 2 app were surprised to learn that a recent app update had caused their Macs to start running more slowly and warmer than usual, and with loud fan noise. User reviews warned that the latest versions had embedded a cryptocurrency miner into the app—something which the program’s App Store description didn’t make clear.

There was some debate about whether an App Store app was allowed to mine for cryptocurrencies in this manner. Although Apple’s guidelines did not explicitly forbid mining, one could argue that the app’s mining behavior nevertheless may have implicitly violated some of Apple’s rules. As media and social media discussion of the controversy began to increase, Apple pulled the app from the App Store until the developer removed the mining functionality.

Be sure to check out our latest YouTube video, which demos Calendar 2’s undesirable behavior and shows how to identify whether an app is using a lot of processing power—a possible sign that cryptojacking might be happening in the background.

APFS Passwords Found in Plain Text Log Files

Sarah Edwards reported on her Mac forensics blog, Mac4n6, about two similar security issues related to the plain-text logging of APFS volume passwords.

APFS is Apple’s new file system available in macOS High Sierra, and it was supposed to have been designed with security in mind. However, in a series of three blog posts (first, second, third), Edwards revealed that certain persistent, macOS system log files may contain—in unencrypted plaintext—the passwords with which users encrypted their APFS volumes.

The bugs are fixed as of macOS 10.13.4. Credit: Sarah Edwards.

Thankfully, Apple seems to have resolved all of the known issues as of macOS High Sierra version 10.13.4, which was released at the end of March.

However, existing log files (or backups of those logs) could potentially still contain unencrypted APFS volume passwords. If you created any encrypted APFS volumes with a version of macOS High Sierra before 10.3.4, be sure to read Edwards’ articles to find out whether your Mac might be storing those passwords in plain text. Also check out Intego’s previous coverage:

macOS 10.13 High Sierra Stores APFS Encrypted Disk Passwords in Plaintext

You might recall that another security blunder related to APFS passwords was disclosed in September 2017, just two days after the first version of macOS High Sierra was released to the public.

iOS 11 Contains Unpatched QR Code Vulnerability

This QR code appears to go to, but actually goes to Mueller’s site,

After waiting a reasonable 90 days for Apple to issue a patch, security researcher Roman Mueller publicly disclosed a vulnerability in the QR code reader functionality built into iOS 11’s Camera app.

Mueller found that by using a specially crafted URL, it’s possible to get iOS 11 to tell a user that it will go to an innocuous domain, for example, while actually redirecting the user to an entirely different domain—potentially a phishing page or other malicious site.

Below is an example video showing the vulnerability in action; the Camera app tells the user that the QR code leads to, but it actually rickrolls the user instead.

As of iOS 11.3, Apple still has not fixed the vulnerability. A commenter on Mueller’s blog says that the bug has been fixed in the first beta of iOS 11.4, however. Until Apple patches the flaw for the general public, it’s probably best to avoid scanning QR codes with iOS 11’s built-in Camera app.

For more details, see our article iOS 11’s Camera App Has a QR Code Vulnerability.

Mac Pwned Again at Pwn2Own Contest

Each year at the CanSecWest security conference, the Pwn2Own competition is an opportunity for hackers to “pwn” (“own,” or compromise) various devices, including Macs.

For the second year in a row, Samuel Groß (@5aelo) successfully compromised a Mac, once again following up the hack with his trademark Touch Bar alert message boasting of his pwnage.

As required by the contest, Groß responsibly disclosed the vulnerabilities that he used, and in late March, Apple mitigated the vulnerabilities for not only macOS but also for iOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

Apple Releases OS and Other Security Updates

At the end of March, Apple released new versions of all of its major operating systems, each of which included security fixes: iOS 11.3 and tvOS 11.3, watchOS 4.3, and macOS 10.13.4.

The Mac and iOS updates include a new Data & Privacy icon that will be found in places where Apple asks to use your personal information. We discussed this feature in episode 26 of the Intego Mac Podcast.

Apple’s new Data & Privacy icon, as seen in iOS 11.3. Image: Apple

In addition to operating system updates, Apple also patched security flaws in some of its other software. Vulnerabilities were mitigated in Safari 11.1 and Xcode 9.3 for Mac, and iTunes 12.7.4 for Windows and iCloud for Windows 7.4.

You can read the geeky details about the security updates at the official Apple security updates page, or read Intego’s more palatable summary:

Apple Issues New Security Updates, Patches APFS Volume Password Bug

Other Security News, in Brief

There were other notable goings-on in the security world in March. Some highlights:

Stay Tuned! Subscribe to The Mac Security Blog

We’ll soon be covering RSA Conference, which runs from April 16–20 in San Francisco.

Subscribe to The Mac Security Blog for our coverage of the event, and to stay informed about Apple security throughout each month.

Also, each week we discuss Mac and iOS security news and other topics of interest on the Intego Mac Podcast. You’ll want to subscribe in iTunes/Podcasts to make sure you don’t miss any shows! Show notes are available at

Last but not least, be sure to subscribe to the Intego YouTube channel to get informative video updates, and click on YouTube’s bell icon (?) so you’ll get notified when each new episode is available.

About Joshua Long

Joshua Long (@theJoshMeister), Intego's Chief Security Analyst, is a renowned security researcher and writer, and an award-winning public speaker. Josh has a master's degree in IT concentrating in Internet Security and has taken doctorate-level coursework in Information Security. Apple has publicly acknowledged Josh for discovering an Apple ID authentication vulnerability. Josh has conducted cybersecurity research for more than 25 years, which has often been featured by major news outlets worldwide. Look for more of Josh's articles at and follow him on X/Twitter, LinkedIn, and Mastodon. View all posts by Joshua Long →