Intego Mac Security Podcast

Apple ID Lockout, AirTag Stalking Laws, and Weak Default Passwords Banned – Intego Mac Podcast Episode 342

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Apple has yet to explain why many users were recently compelled to log into their Apple ID because they were blocked without apparent cause. States are tightening laws about stalking, because the laws on the books may not cover AirTag and other similar trackers. And what can and what should the government do to prevent the use of weak default device passwords?

  • Apple promoting May 7 keynote as a ‘different kind of Apple Event’
  • Commission designates Apple’s iPadOS under the Digital Markets Act
  • The recent Apple ID password resets: What we know
  • Pennsylvania moves to join states that punish stalkers who use Bluetooth tracking devices
  • Malware: Cuckoo Behaves Like Cross Between Infostealer and Spyware
  • Screenshots suggest TikTok is circumventing Apple App Store commissions
  • TikTok ban in EU is ‘not excluded,’ von der Leyen says
  • No more 12345: devices with weak default passwords to be banned in UK
  • Eken fixes ‘terrible’ video doorbell issue that could let someone spy on you
  • US government says security flaw in Chirp Systems’ app lets anyone remotely control smart home locks

  • If you like the Intego Mac Podcast, be sure to follow it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Amazon.

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    Transcript of Intego Mac Podcast episode 342

    Voice Over 0:00
    This is the Intego Mac Podcast—the voice of Mac security—for Thursday, May 2 2024.

    This week’s Intego Mac podcast security headlines include: Apple has yet to explain why many users were recently compelled to log into their Apple ID because they were blocked without apparent cause. States are tightening laws about stalking, because the laws on the books may not cover AirTag and other similar trackers. And what can and what should the government do to prevent the use of weak default device passwords? Now, here are the hosts of the Intego Mac Podcast. Veteran Mac journalist, Kirk McElhearn, and Intego’s Chief Security Analyst, Josh Long.

    Kirk McElhearn 0:50
    Good morning, Josh, how are you today?

    Josh Long 0:52
    I’m doing well. How are you, Kirk?

    Kirk McElhearn 0:54
    I’m doing fine, are you counting down the days to May 7, which Apple is now promoting as a different kind of Apple Event.

    Apple drops another hint about its “Let Loose” event

    Josh Long 1:00
    So we knew that Apple has this “Let Loose” event coming up on May 7. But now Apple is starting to advertise this on Instagram and Facebook as a different kind of Apple event. That’s the terminology that they’re using. We already kind of know that we’re getting a new Apple pencil because they’ve shown the pencil pretty prominently in their preview graphic for the event. We can also assume that there’s going to be iPads because guess what, that’s what the Apple Pencil works with. And it’s been a really long time since we’ve gotten new iPads. So we can expect we’re getting that as well. But what does this mean a different kind of Apple event? Does it mean that they’re using a different format to film it is it not going to be just like your standard pre recorded thing like they’ve been doing for the past several years.

    Kirk McElhearn 1:49
    I think they’re gonna have Tim Cook sitting at a desk with a baseball hat on. And they’re gonna have some colored whites in the background with an Apple logo. And they’re gonna present like that. Remember that the format of Apple events is essentially what Steve Jobs developed 25 years ago. And while they look different now, because they’re pre recorded, and it’s not everyone walking on a stage, it’s still the same idea. It’s person presents images behind, right? Maybe they’re going to do something different, a different kind of Apple event to more in line with what people see in reviews in YouTube. You know, you look at the kind of reviews on YouTube, and they have a, they have a format colored lights behind someone at a desk or someone in the studio. And it always looks they kind of remind me of like half of a late night talk show on the US, right? The guy behind the desk. It’s that sort of thing. And Apple’s presentations look a bit. What’s the word, they look like they’re above everyone with these big grandiose screens behind the people, these massive screens, it doesn’t feel very intimate, maybe going to try and do something. Imagine a camera over someone’s shoulder as they’re sitting in a chair with an iPad. Remember, Steve Jobs famously sat in a an arm chair or something with the iPad to show how it was used, imagined something like that, instead of these big videos behind the people.

    Josh Long 3:08
    So your prediction is an interview style program where two people are sitting down and having conversation, that kind of a thing.

    Kirk McElhearn 3:15
    It could be or just the way YouTube reviews are held where one person may be talking about something and maybe they’ll switch to another Tim Cook will be the emcee in between. And instead of him walking around the Apple campus outdoors and all these, you know, drone shots, it will be more intimate. It’ll be less of Apple as Big Brother and more as Apple as brother in law recommending some new hardware.

    Josh Long 3:39
    Or maybe it’ll just be like tighter shots, kind of like you’re saying with like a lot of YouTube videos or eight shots on the person who’s talking to the camera. So it could be maybe something a little bit more like that. I don’t know, who knows. We’ll find out pretty soon.

    Kirk McElhearn 3:54
    We’ll find out next week as it is today. We’re recording on Wednesday, May 1. So tomorrow when this podcast released is the day that Apple will be announcing their earnings doesn’t look very good because they’ve lost a lot in the Chinese smartphone market. We’ll talk about that later. But this could influence what we’re going to see next week. Now again, new iPads new Apple Pencil. My speculation is that the entire iPad one is somehow being revamped, whether it’s for the new Apple Pencil, which please one Apple pencil for all the iPads or something else. We’ll know next week.

    Reports of Vision Pro sales are at best ambiguous

    Josh Long 4:23
    By the way, since we’re talking about Apple’s earnings and so forth. There was some talk recently and we mentioned it on the podcast that there was some discussion about how maybe the Apple Vision Pro shipments weren’t meeting the expectations. And Mark Gurmann actually said that’s not really true, because as of July of last year, when I was talking to people at Apple they were expecting to ship between 400 to 500,000 units. He says they’re actually right on track from what they had anticipated selling in the first place. Ming-Chi Kuo was the person who was saying that Apple’s missed their target. Good. So there’s a little bit of disagreement among analysts about this.

    Kirk McElhearn 5:04
    Okay, the only thing I know is that I follow a Facebook group about the Apple Vision Pro and the first couple of weeks where people posting about all the things that we’re doing. And lately, it’s just people selling their Vision Pros or scammers trying to sell Vision Pro. So I know this is pure anecdata is just one group with a few 1000, maybe 10 or 20,000. People, I don’t know. But it gives an idea no one’s there’s no more gee whiz posting about the device. Speaking of the iPad, we’ve talked about the digital markets act in the European Union, the DMA that took effect early March, so just a little bit less than two months ago, and Apple’s iOS was considered what they call a gatekeeper platform, one that’s big enough, that needs to be regulated, basically. And the European Union said that they were examining iPadOS to determine whether they felt it should also be a gatekeeper platform. And yes, they have decided that it is. And of course, it makes sense. Because iOS and iPadOS, they’re really the same thing with different names. There are some features that you get on one that you don’t get on the other, but it’s essentially the same operating system. Plus, when you create an app for one, you can sell that app for both right, then there’s very little work for developer to port an iPhone app to an iPad, unless your Instagram who still has not released an iPad app.

    Josh Long 6:18
    I think the thing that’s most interesting to me about this is that basically the EU said, yeah, they technically don’t meet the standard that we set for a monopoly or anything like that. But we’re still gonna, like enforce this anyway, I think that’s kind of funny. So basically, they’re just arbitrarily deciding that platform is similar enough? No, we kind of like what we’re doing with the iPhone thing. So let’s just do that with iPad two.

    Kirk McElhearn 6:43
    Yeah, but hold on, let’s say let’s say you’re in the EU, and you’ve got an iPhone, and now you can use the browser you want, right? And yet, on your iPad, you can’t, it’s a device that uses your same account, that access is mostly the same apps. And yet, you can’t use the same browser on both devices. That doesn’t make sense to me to not consider them both to be the same platform with two variants.

    Josh Long 7:07
    Now, obviously, that doesn’t make sense to the European Commission either, which is why they’re pursuing.

    Apple stays mum on why some users were forced to re-log in to Apple ID

    Kirk McElhearn 7:11
    Exactly. So a funny thing happened to me on Saturday morning, I’m in the UK. And when I woke up, I looked at my Apple watch, and I saw a screen telling me to sign into my Apple ID. And that’s kind of strange, because I wear my Apple Watch when I sleep to track my sleep. And I turned on asleep focus, which shuts the screen off, you don’t want the screen to go on when you’re sleeping, right because it’ll be bright. So sleep focus turns it off. And I looked at the Apple Watch, I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to enter text on an Apple Watch, like your Apple ID password is pretty complicated. So I picked up my iPhone, it had the same notification. Well, I signed into my Apple ID and it said that your account has been blocked for security reasons you need to change your Apple ID password. And well, you know, that can happen. If you try to log in multiple times and you make a mistake in your password after a certain number of times it walks it or someone’s trying to get into your account, right, and they make a mistake with the password. And if you get Okay, I’m gonna have to reset the password and do this on my iPhone, and my Apple watch. And my iPad Mini and my iPad Pro and my iMac and a MacBook Pro and my Mac mini and my Apple TV, not to mention my HomePods It took about an hour to do all this. It’s really quite annoying. Oddly, I didn’t have to do it on the Apple TV. It got carried over automatically, perhaps from the iPhone. And once I finished doing this on my iPhone or my Apple Watch, though, I went out to social media and I saw it was not just me. This was apparently relatively widespread. Now I don’t know how many people were affected by this. Our producer, Doug, he was affected Josh, you weren’t affected by this.

    Josh Long 8:40
    Right. But I did see several social media posts like probably around the same time that your devices got locked out. There were people posting on social media about this. And yeah, my immediate reaction to that when I first saw it was somebody probably tried to hack into your account, but because it’s happening so in such a widespread way. And by the way, we even had listeners, you know, to the podcast writing in and saying, Hey, I experienced this. So do you guys know anything about this? Kirk wrote an article for the Mac security blog called Apple ID password reset what we know, this has the details that we know so far. Now Apple hasn’t really said anything about what exactly happened.

    Kirk McElhearn 9:21
    It’s not that Apple hasn’t really said anything. Apple hasn’t said anything. And people were talking about this early this week, saying Come on. This has affected a lot of people. We don’t know how many because, you know, people tend to complain on social media out of proportion to the number of people affected, particularly when you follow Apple channels, right? We don’t know how many but it happened to a lot of people and I link in the article to a blog run by a developer Michael Thai, and he pointed out that he had stolen device protection turned on on his iPhone. Now stolen device protection means that if you have to reset your Apple ID password if you’re not in a familiar location or a significant location, then you’ll have to wait an hour. And he said he was in his home office where his iPhone is, you know, most of the time, and he still had to wait. Now, other people have mentioned this as well. This is a debilitating problem to a lot of people, you know, put yourself in this situation, you’re traveling, you need to access something, you’re signed out, you have to wait an hour to sign in, maybe you need to get an Uber or get information on a flight or something like that. This is a big problem. And Apple should be addressing this in some way, at least to say, hey, we’re sorry,

    Josh Long 10:32
    Right. And so we have no statement from Apple about this, which is pretty awkward. But given all the people that have experienced this problem, there clearly was something going on. At the very least, if you were impacted by this, you’ve probably already reset your password because you kind of had to to continue using your devices. And it’s probably not something you need to worry about too much. Do make sure that you do have two factor authentication set up for your Apple ID, you probably do already. But just in case double check on that to make sure because that’s really important. And your Apple ID is one of the things that you need to make sure you’re protecting really well just like your email account. And of course, your bank accounts and things like that, too.

    State laws on stalking may need to be updated to include bluetooth trackers

    Kirk McElhearn 11:14
    Okay, we have an article that Pennsylvania is joining states that punish stalkers who use Bluetooth tracking devices, such as the air tag. And we were wondering, Well, isn’t this already illegal? It’s illegal in a lot of states. But it seems that in some states, the language might only cover GPS devices. So they need to update the language to include Bluetooth devices. The reason for this is that you can track someone with one of these, and we’ve talked about this in the past. And I’ll link to an article on the Intego Max security blog where we talk about stalking. In Pennsylvania, this would make the crime a second degree misdemeanor punishable by up to two years in jail, and it’s unlikely someone’s going to go to jail for something like that. But this is evidence that can be used if someone’s complaining about being stalked trying to get a restraining order or something like that.

    Josh Long 11:56
    Yeah. And so maybe that’s the distinction is specifically Bluetooth tracking devices where there might be laws on the books already for GPS. It’s kind of funny that these existing laws may not necessarily cover air tag, like that’s not something I would have ever considered. But I’m sure that probably what happened was somebody was trying to apply the law to one of these types of situations and realized, oh my gosh, like we can’t actually prosecute this person because of a basically a loophole, right? Like it says GPS and the law. And so we need to broaden that to cover these other devices like air tags.

    Kirk McElhearn 12:32
    Okay, we’re gonna take a break. When we come back, we’re going to talk about some new malware, some TikTok news and some internet of trash.

    Voice Over 12:41
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    New Stealer-like malware affects Apple devices

    Kirk McElhearn 13:56
    So Josh, it’s Wednesday that means we have new malware right?

    Josh Long 13:59
    Well that means we have new malware to talk about. Yeah. This week we have an update about atomic stealer malware. This has been a big thing this year. There have been tons and tons of different samples. This is malware that mimics popular apps. And its goal is to steal for example your cryptocurrency if you happen to be using a cryptocurrency wallet, it’ll steal passwords and other things from your browser, your autofill information and a lot of different stealer malware on the Mac is out there. And Atomic Stealer is just one of many different families of this malware. So we’ve seen some interesting new Atomic Stealer malware that includes an obfuscated second stage payload embedded within the binary so basically…

    Kirk McElhearn 14:50
    Hold on. “Obfuscated second stage payload embedded in the binary”. Can you put that in English?

    Josh Long 14:56
    I was just about to. Okay, I’m getting there. Basically, this means that you You run this app, and then it has an app embedded within it that’s kind of hidden in a way to make it more difficult for your average, you know, boring old antivirus to identify that there’s some malware hidden inside of it. And it’s not really encoded in any kind of like really secretive way. They’re just like obscuring it, so that it’s pretty easy to figure out what’s there. But they’re just trying to hide it. And in plain sight, more or less, it’s kind of interesting to see that they’re trying to at least somewhat evade detection from rudimentary antivirus that might not be looking more carefully at these binaries, or these apps, in other words, but other than that, yeah, it’s doing pretty much the same thing you would expect. By the way, there was another report just this past week about the threat actor behind atomic stealer, the same threat actor that develops the atomic stealer, or it’s also known as Amis malware. Amos stands for atomic MacOS stealer. That’s where that comes from. The threat actor behind it has apparently been distributing a trojanized version of a ledger live crypto Wallet app. It’s disguising itself as all kinds of different things. So be very, very careful when you’re downloading any apps. When you’re doing a Google search for an app, make sure that you’re not clicking on an ad at the top of the search results. Because this is one of the ways that this stealer malware has been distributed in recent months, they will buy up an ad that so they get number one placement on Google search results. And so you might just click on the first result thinking oh, corpse, that’s what I’m looking for. But you’re actually taken to a lookalike site. And when you try to download the software, you’re actually getting a Trojan horse. So it’s going to install malware on your system and steal data from you. (Okay, so what is Cuckoo?) Cuckoo is another family of info stealer. Guess what big surprise right? It’s a hence information stealer malware. This is like the number one thing we’ve been talking about this since last year. And when we did our urine review malware story we talked about how this was a big thing and 2023 we know it’s gonna get even bigger and 2024. Cookie stealing password stealing, wallet stealing all of this stuff is really big. And it’s the number one type of malware that we’re seeing on macOS, who is yet another example of info stealer malware. It also does spyware kind of things like like you would expect a lot of malware to do, where it phones home to a command and control server and sends data exfiltrate data back to that server. So make sure that you are using antivirus software on your computer, we recommend Intego software Virus Barrier will keep you protected from all these kinds of threats.

    TikTok may be pushing Apple’s in-app purchases envelope

    Kirk McElhearn 18:00
    Okay, remember, I don’t know how many years ago this was when Apple removed Epic Games and Fortnight from the app store because they use some sort of workaround to sell in app purchases whatever people buy in Fortnight without going through Apple’s App Store and avoid Apple’s commissions. And well Apple removed them from the App Store. Turns out the TikTok might be doing the same thing. And would Apple start removing TikTok from the App Store?

    Josh Long 18:26
    Well, there’s been a lot of discussion about this for the last day or so there were some screenshots and started circulating online where people were like, Oh, hey, it looks like TikTok’s doing the thing that Fortnight got banned for what do you think’s gonna happen? Like, is tick tock big enough? And in the news enough and controversial enough, that if Apple were to do something ahead of the US wide ban? Would Apple get in big trouble for this like in other words, would the user community of tick tock push back on Apple for making the decision to ban tick tock because of this practice? So this is a really interesting thing. So far, we haven’t seen Apple take any action that again, we’re recording this Wednesday morning, it’s possible that Apple might do something. But at the same time, maybe TikTok is big enough and popular enough that Apple can’t get away with doing something to completely ban TikTok from all Apple stores worldwide, like they did with Epic.

    Kirk McElhearn 19:29
    We’ll link to an article in TechCrunch, which has screenshots and I don’t know what TikTok coins are, but you can buy TikTok coins, and they’re showing a screenshot. Try recharging on you can save the service fee and get access to popular payment methods. Well, that’s kind of obvious. It’s not like they’re even hiding it. This is actually one of the things that European Union got mad at Apple for with Spotify and other things of not allowing them to do this. Maybe tick tock is assuming well in the European Union, I can do this now. So I’ll do it everywhere. We don’t know but It would be interesting to see if Apple reacts, if they don’t react. That means we’ll just anyone can do this and push Apple around. So Apple has to, you know, stick to their guns and do things according to the rules, or they don’t.

    Josh Long 20:12
    At least anyone big enough, right? So like, like Amazon, for example, if tick tock can get away with it, Amazon should be able to get away with it.

    Kirk McElhearn 20:20
    But that’s the problem. If they only do that for big developers, and they’re not giving small developers the possibility. That’s the serious antitrust violation, isn’t it?

    Josh Long 20:30
    It sure is. But I guess what I’m saying is there’d have to be enough cases of the big companies getting away with it, where the small developers could point to that and say, Look, you’re not punishing them. So therefore, there’s no reason why you should be punishing me.

    UK may ban devices that use weak default passwords

    Kirk McElhearn 20:45
    Exactly. Well, at the same time, we have European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, who hinted that banning TikTok in the European Union is an option. Now this is a hint, this is nothing official. She said it’s not excluded. I think what this statement does is it makes the potential US ban Well, the US ban that’s been passed through Congress already not look like so much of an outlier. And we talked about this in the last week’s episode, I’ll link in the show notes. And I’ll link to an article on the Intego Max security blog asking if TikTok is safe. If just the US Ban said that’s one thing if the US and the EU ban it, that’s a totally different story, considering it’s banned in India, the country with the largest population in the world because they overtook China, I think last year. So this kind of adds more weight to the potential us ban. Let’s talk about Internet of trash. Now, I want to put this story up on the top of the list, Josh, because in the news today, here in the UK, they announced that devices with weak passwords will be banned. And this is weak default passwords. So when you buy a router, or any other device that has a default, admin username and password, they can no longer use 1-2-3-4-5-6 or “admin/admin”, things like that. When I get important devices here, like a router, or a Wi Fi device, or something, there’s always a unique password, generally in a label on the outside of the box and in a label on the device itself. So the big companies can already do this. I don’t know what the technology for it is, they must flash the firmware somehow. But the UK is deciding to ban devices that don’t have individual passwords. And apparently, the EU is going to follow through with something very similar.

    Josh Long 22:25
    Right. And by the way, many headlines about this topic have just been saying weak passwords are banned. And it’s not that like they’re banning you from setting weak passwords. The whole point is that the default passwords on these devices are something that is predetermined and the same for everybody. So it’s weak default passwords, specifically that are being outlawed.

    Kirk McElhearn 22:50
    So I can still use 1-2-3-4-5 as my Apple ID password?

    Josh Long 22:53
    I wouldn’t recommend that. But yeah, so it this doesn’t, it’s not something that prevents users from being able to set you know, terribly bad passwords, it’s just that manufacturers don’t password. Manufacturers are not going to be allowed to set these passwords that are weak and the same for everybody. So the whole idea behind this is, it’s so much better if each individual device has a unique password to start out with. And you know, and it’s not just a word, or a series of simple digits, or a short six digit number or something like that, that can be easily brute forced, right? The whole idea is, if you have a unique password per device, per individual device that sold even on the same product line, then that makes it so that if you stick that device on the internet, and you have features enabled that allows somebody to connect to it from the internet that they won’t be able to get in. That’s the whole idea behind this because unfortunately, we do have some devices out there that have been designed insecurely. And I’ve seen some manufacturers start to trend in a more secure default position. But not everybody is doing this, where they’ll do something like before you can actually go online with this device, they require you as the person setting it up to put in your own password that’s different from the default password. Now that’s a much better practice than what some manufacturers are doing which is not actually requiring you to change the password which is terrible. So I think the whole spirit behind this legislation is really good. And hopefully because this is going to be in the UK and apparently also throughout the EU. This will hopefully mean that other manufacturers that sell worldwide will also start having to follow these best practices as well.

    Kirk McElhearn 24:58
    And everyone likes except a guy who works in a data center and he has to install 100 new switches. And he has to write down the password for each device and type it up individually.

    Josh Long 25:07
    Yeah, well, you know what? Security is not always convenient, but it is important.

    Consumer Reports finds a serious spying flaw in a not-so-well known video doorbell

    Kirk McElhearn 25:12
    Okay. There’s a company called Eken. I never heard of them, they came out with a video doorbell that could let people spy on them. And it’s kind of only discovered when Consumer Reports reported it.

    Josh Long 25:25
    That’s the funny thing about this story, right? So Consumer Reports is an organization that reviews products and kind of makes recommendations or not, depending on their findings have with their experience using this product, right. And so basically, Consumer Reports says this product has glaring security and privacy holes, anybody can basically spy on you. And it’s not hard to do that. And so this company ikan, apparently, they saw the Consumer Reports report and said, We’d better fix that thing. It’s kind of crazy. Why wouldn’t you do just a really basic security audit, before you put your product on the market, you ought to know that you’ve got these really serious flaws there in the first place. And it shouldn’t be the responsibility of some third party to tell you, you’ve got really obvious glaring flaws, maybe you should fix those. So you’re not putting all of your users at risk?

    Chirp Systems’ smart lock can be controlled by anyone

    Kirk McElhearn 26:22
    Well, you should tell that to Chirp systems, which I’ve never heard of before, which makes smart locks that could let anyone remotely control them.

    Josh Long 26:30
    Chirp systems. Again, another company I haven’t heard of either. Apparently, they make this door lock system. And it’s remotely controllable. And apparently, anyone can remote control it, which is kind of a big problem. So this one, instead of Consumer Reports, this was the US cybersecurity agency Visa. They went public with a security advisory last week saying that the phone apps developed by Chirp improperly store hard coded credentials that can be used to remotely control any Chirp-compatible Smart Lock. So this is another one of those cases of default passwords, hard coded credentials. So these are built in to every device. Why are manufacturers doing this? It’s 2024 people.

    Kirk McElhearn 27:19
    Well even if it was 2023, or 2022, they shouldn’t be doing this. I’ve never heard about this. But apparently they’re used a lot in rental properties. Is this the new thing in the US to have smart locks for rental properties, so you can lock out the residence whenever you want to?

    Josh Long 27:33
    Yeah, this is a really common thing. You’ll see these on Airbnb ease and and other those types of things where you’ve got lots of people coming in and out, you have maybe a cleaning crew that will come in and between occupants. And you need to be able to control these things remotely, because perhaps you don’t live nearby your rental property, maybe you live in another state. And so yeah, it typically these kinds of properties will have these remotely controllable smart locks. Make sure that you’re getting one that’s a good quality product from a reputable vendor, and not some company you’ve never heard of like Chirp. You know, it’s not worth saving 20 bucks, 40 bucks, even or 100 bucks, if you’re talking about somebody potentially being able to break into your home just because you chose a smart lock with terrible security.

    Kirk McElhearn 28:26
    Well, the article we linked to in TechCrunch talks about a real estate and rental giant Camden Property Trust that was going to roll out these locks to 50,000 units. So if you’re saving $20 on 50,000 units, that’s real money.

    Josh Long 28:39
    Fair, but again, you don’t want people breaking into your property because the property damage I totally not to mention theft and all kinds of other things like you don’t even want to deal with that go with a trusted smart lock vendor.

    Kirk McElhearn 28:53
    Okay, so Thursday, May 2 Apple’s earnings, which might be a little bit disappointing for those with Apple stock. And next Tuesday, May 7, the different kinds of Apple event we’ll be talking about this on the next episode of the podcast. Until next week, Josh, stay secure.

    Josh Long 29:08
    All right, stay secure.

    Voice Over 29:11
    Thanks for listening to the Intego Mac podcast, the voice of Mac security with your host, Kirk McElhearn and Josh Long. To get every weekly episode, be sure to follow us on Apple Podcasts, or subscribe in your favorite podcast app. And, if you can, leave a rating, a like or review. Links to topics and information mentioned in the podcast can be found in the show notes for the episode at The Intego website is also where to find details on the full line of Intego security and utility software.

    About Kirk McElhearn

    Kirk McElhearn writes about Apple products and more on his blog Kirkville. He is co-host of the Intego Mac Podcast, as well as several other podcasts, and is a regular contributor to The Mac Security Blog, TidBITS, and several other websites and publications. Kirk has written more than two dozen books, including Take Control books about Apple's media apps, Scrivener, and LaunchBar. Follow him on Twitter at @mcelhearn. View all posts by Kirk McElhearn →