Evernote Adds New Security Features
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Lysa Myers
I’m an unabashed Evernote fan. I’m not sure how I ever managed to function in daily life before this App was released. So, I was extra pleased to see news that had both “Evernote” and “security features” in the headline. Oh man, that’s two of my favorite things!
As has been the trend lately with several vendors, after a recent security breach, Evernote has started beefing up their authentication for users. They’re now offering two-step authentication for Premium and Business users, with a plan to start offering it to all users if that goes well. But that’s not all, there are two other nifty security features that are available for all users to enjoy! This blog post details the lot.
The short description of these other security features are “Authorized Applications” and “Access History.” For those of you on Facebook, these may sound familiar, as they have a similar security features. Authorized Applications allows you to revoke or allow certain applications and versions of Evernote to access your account, which is nice if you should happen to lose access to a device or stop using it for whatever reason. Access History shows you a list of where and when your account was accessed, so that if a suspicious log-in is noted you can take precautionary measures.
You will need to enable two-step authentication if you wish to use it, but the other two features are now available on the website by default.
Images courtesy of Evernote