Protecting Your Server from Viruses and Malware

VirusBarrier Server 3's anti-malware protection works in several ways. Its Real-Time Scanner constantly watches over your server, protecting it and the files it contains from viruses and malware. The Real-Time scanner ensures that your server is protected at all times by scanning every file that is created, copied, modified or saved. It does not, however, scan other files. This is why we suggest you run a full scan of all your files when you install VirusBarrier Server 3 and after each update to the program's virus definitions.

Real-Time Scanning

VirusBarrier Server 3's Real-Time Scanner scans your server whenever its contents change. Scans occur instantly, so you never have to worry about being protected.

To turn on the Real-Time Scanner, either:

Running Scheduled Scans

VirusBarrier Server 3 can also be set to run automatically at pre-arranged times. To do so, click the Schedules tab while in the Browser window. The Schedules pane appears. There are three sections: Display, Events and Schedules.

Scan Settings

VirusBarrier Server 3 gives you a number of options to tell the program how it should scan your server, what types of files it should scan, and what types of malware it should look for. To access these settings, click the Scan Settings tab. On that pane, the Real-Time Scanner tab is selected.

The Scan Settings pane contains five tabs:

Real-Time Scanner Settings

In normal operation, you will not need to disable the Real-Time Scanner; this is only useful for troubleshooting when you have a problem, or to speed up the transfer of files that you know to be safe. You can disable the Real-Time Scanner either by moving the switch to OFF, or from the Intego menu by selecting VirusBarrier Server 3 > Real-Time Scanner.

When malware is found. Your options are:

In addition, you can choose to have VirusBarrier Server 3 send you an e-mail whenever it discovers a virus. To set this up, check the Send an e-mail checkbox, then click the Configure e-mail... button next to it. Enter the necessary information for your e-mail account in Mail Settings dialog that displays.

The last section of the Real-Time Scanner settings tab, Remove quarantine marker after scanning uninfected files, tells VirusBarrier Server 3 to remove the Mac OS X dialog warning that asks you whether you're sure you want to open downloaded files.

Archive Settings

VirusBarrier Server 3 can look inside several popular types of archives, scanning not only the archive file itself, but also the files that it contains. To see these settings, click the Archives tab.

By default, VirusBarrier Server 3 will scan all archive types that it understands; however, you could choose to scan only certain archive types by unchecking different types of archives in the Archive Kind list.

The Default archive timeout setting lets you tell VirusBarrier Server 3 to stop scanning archives that take more than a certain amount of time to uncompress and scan. By default, this is set to 60 seconds. However, any files that have been uncompressed before the end of this timeout will be scanned.

Advanced Scan Settings

This tab lets you be more specific about how VirusBarrier Server 3 examines your server for malware. The options are:

Three options affect On-Demand scanner behavior:

The Scan for section lets you choose to have VirusBarrier Server 3 scan certain types of files or applications:

A final section lets you tell VirusBarrier Server 3 to look for two other types of malware:

Active Scan Settings

This tab will show any currently active scans, such as those set in a schedule, launched following an event such as a mounted volume or a virus definition update (see above), manual scans run locally using VirusBarrier X6, or command line scans run locally or remotely.

If you don't see a scan that's running, click the button to refresh the screen.

If you wish to stop any scan that is running, select it then click Stop the Scan. This cannot be done for manual scans.

Mail Gateway

The Mail Gateway tab allows you to control settings for virus scans of e-mail messages and attachments. To activate the Mail Gateway, move the Activate Mail Gateway support switch to ON. In addition to turning on mail protection, this deactivates the built-in antivirus solution.

The Mail Gateway inserts certificates for incoming and outgoing mails control adds an X-SCANNED header to all messages that says they were scanned "by Intego VirusBarrier Server 3 Scanner at $mydomain". If VirusBarrier Server 3 finds an infected attachment and removes it, the e-mail message containing that attachment will display the text, "Attachment removed by Intego VirusBarrier Server 3 [name of attachment]".

Quarantine Zone

If you don't want to repair files automatically, you can have VirusBarrier Server 3 put them in its Quarantine Zone. When files are quarantined, they can't be opened or read, ensuring that they cannot infect your server. This is useful for administrators who want to check files before running VirusBarrier Server 3's repair functions.

As mentioned in the section about Scan Settings, you can tell VirusBarrier Server 3 to place malware in the Quarantine Zone when found. You can then check these files and decide what to do.

To act on any of the files, select one of them and then click the appropriate button at the bottom right of the window to:

If you display the Quarantine Zone in list mode, a Threat column will tell you which types of malware your files are infected by.

Trusted Files

VirusBarrier Server 3 offers the option to add files, folders or volumes to a list of Trusted Files. VirusBarrier Server 3 will assume that these files are all safe and will not scan them. You should only use this for files that have already been scanned by VirusBarrier Server 3.

To add files to the Trusted Files list, click the small + button at the bottom-left corner of the screen, enter credentials to access the computer in question, navigate to the item you'd like to add, then click the Choose button.

Adding a folder or volume tells VirusBarrier Server 3 to trust all files contained in the selected item, including in any subfolders it contains now, or may contain in the future.

To remove an item from the Trusted Zone, click it to select it, then click the - button.

The VirusBarrier Server 3 Contextual Menu

You have access to a number of VirusBarrier Server 3's protections directly from the Finder using a Contextual Menu, via the VirusBarrier X6 program that's installed along with VirusBarrier Server 3. Control-click or right-click on any item - a file, folder or volume - and a contextual menu will open. In Mac OS X 10.6 ("Snow Leopard") these menu items are grouped at the bottom of the contextual menu; however, if you have enough such items, you'll find a Services menu item, and VirusBarrier Server 3's menu items will be in the Services sub-menu. In Mac OS X 10.5 ("Leopard"), the VirusBarrier Server 3 menu appears under a "More" menu.

The contextual menu lets you do the following:

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