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100% Malware Immunity for Your PC

Get Unbreakable Windows 11 Protection
Award winning security since 1997 100% risk free purchase Our lowest price ever
Intego Antivirus for Windows
Limited Time Offer
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Top protection at affordable rates.

1 PC / 1 year
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3 PC / 1 year
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5 PC / 1 year
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Enjoy faster and smarter security trusted by millions of users.
Intego Antivirus will protect your PC from malware, viruses, spyware, adware, ransomware, trojans, and more.
As seen in
Wired Time TC
Don't look anywhere else, we've got you covered!
Real-Time Protection
Intego will protect your system around the clock.
Virus Protection Assurance - VPA 100
100% threat removal guarantee.
Enhanced Cloud Protection
Ensure your safety from the most advanced and persistent threats.
Quick Scan
Scan and eliminate malware within minutes.
Protection From Latest Threats
There is no new threat that will surprise you with our world-class threats database.
Scheduled Scans
Stay safe and without any interference with your PC performance.
Enjoy our premium features with this limited time
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Protect yourself from all cyber-threats
24/7 PC Protection
Using the latest technology in behavior analysis and Malware detection, Intego Antivirus will protect your system in Real-Time by blocking Malware, Spyware, Adware, Ransomware and other threats – before they attack.
Clean your PC with a variety of flexible scan options
Using our flexible scan module, you’ll be able to scan files, folders and different areas in your system to make sure your PC is clean within minutes.
Ultra-Fast, intuitive security
We understand that time is your greatest resource, so we’ve created a fast, high-performance product that won’t slow your PC down. The user-interface is highly intuitive, fast and simple, providing you with the latest & best security.
Protecting your digital life on Windows 7 and above.
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Frequently Asked Questions

System requirements for Intego Antivirus:
Operating system:
Windows 7 and above.
500 MB free drive space
Internet Connection - Required.
A high-speed connection is highly recommended.
To make your purchase process hassle-free as possible,
we are accepting payments with our secure system from Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and PayPal.
No worries! We are offering a 30-days money-back guarantee for your premium version.
To request a refund, contact our support team, we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
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